Pigs trotters

“Pigs Trotters” (Part 1 – Caribbean Souse)


Pig’s feet  are not everybody’s cup of tea, but for those of us who love them, they are a special treat.
I prepare them quite often, in stews, steamed, braised, Asian style, Latin style, German style; any which way is fine with me 🙂
The following dish is Caribbean Style Souse, as I enjoyed it many moon’s ago a couple of times in Trinidad, at the home of my friend Lyron’s mother.
Very spicy and lightly acidic, with lots of vegetables, it was the perfect food on a hot day by the beach, spend in wonderful company and washed down with a few bottles of Carib Beer – nothing else was needed in those moments to feel happy and content 🙂
These meals (and times) are now in the distant past; all that’s left are the happy memories, vividly recalled by preparing the meals we enjoyed together then – Lyron and his wife Dorsey, my wife Maria, myself and Lyron’s mother, whose name eludes me after all these years but whom I always remember when preparing this particular souse………….
Bon Appétit !   Life is Good !

Click here for Escabeche  on  ChefsOpinion

Click here for more  Souse  on  ChefsOpinion
Click here for more  Pigs Feet/Pigs Trotters  on  ChefsOpinion

“Pigs Trotters” (Part 1 – Caribbean Souse)


“Pigs Trotters” (Part 1 – Caribbean Souse)


“Pigs Trotters” (Part 1 – Caribbean Souse)


Caribbean Souse



Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures:


Pied De Cochon

ANYTHING  sounds better in french ?! 🙂
I used to call my wife “Mon Petit Chou”, which sounds perfectly sweet and romantic in french. Translated, it’s “My Little Cabbage” :-(. Not as sweet and romantic, no doubt.
Same with my dinner today : “Pied De Cochon – which translates into “Pig’s Trotters”, one of my all time favorite second cuts.
Pigs trotters are very versatile, they are great fried, steamed, braised, and pickled.
The following dish was created today in my kitchen and, I must say, it was absolutely delicious (and pretty to look at, to boost).
Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !
More “Pig’s Goodies” on ChefsOpinion
Wiki on Pigs Trotters
More about Pigs Trotters

 Pied De Cochon

Pied De Cochon


 Pied De Cochon

Pied De Cochon

Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures
