happy memories

“Pigs Trotters” (Part 1 – Caribbean Souse)


Pig’s feet  are not everybody’s cup of tea, but for those of us who love them, they are a special treat.
I prepare them quite often, in stews, steamed, braised, Asian style, Latin style, German style; any which way is fine with me 🙂
The following dish is Caribbean Style Souse, as I enjoyed it many moon’s ago a couple of times in Trinidad, at the home of my friend Lyron’s mother.
Very spicy and lightly acidic, with lots of vegetables, it was the perfect food on a hot day by the beach, spend in wonderful company and washed down with a few bottles of Carib Beer – nothing else was needed in those moments to feel happy and content 🙂
These meals (and times) are now in the distant past; all that’s left are the happy memories, vividly recalled by preparing the meals we enjoyed together then – Lyron and his wife Dorsey, my wife Maria, myself and Lyron’s mother, whose name eludes me after all these years but whom I always remember when preparing this particular souse………….
Bon Appétit !   Life is Good !

Click here for Escabeche  on  ChefsOpinion

Click here for more  Souse  on  ChefsOpinion
Click here for more  Pigs Feet/Pigs Trotters  on  ChefsOpinion

“Pigs Trotters” (Part 1 – Caribbean Souse)


“Pigs Trotters” (Part 1 – Caribbean Souse)


“Pigs Trotters” (Part 1 – Caribbean Souse)


Caribbean Souse



Preparation :
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To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures:
