
Shrimp, Egg & Vegetable Salad In Yogurt/Honey Dressing With Grilled Jalapeno/Garlic bread

Today’s  early lunch was a dish I could eat on a daily basis – fresh, tasty, colorful and light.
Although it contained mayonnaise, it seemed to be healthy enough to leave me feeling as if I ate something that is actually beneficiary to my well-being 🙂
Bon Appétit !   Life is Good !
Click here for more  Salads  on  ChefsOpinion
Click here for more  Shrimp on  ChefsOpinion

Shrimp, Egg & Vegetable Salad In Yogurt/Honey Dressing With Grilled Jalapeno/Garlic Bread

Shrimp, Egg & Vegetable Salad In Yogurt/Honey Dressing With Grilled Jalapeno/Garlic Bread


Shrimp, Egg & Vegetable Salad In Yogurt/Honey Dressing With Grilled Jalapeno/Garlic Bread

Shrimp, Egg & Vegetable Salad In Yogurt/Honey Dressing With Grilled Jalapeno/Garlic Bread

Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures


Roasted Red Snapper

Many  folks have asked me why I don’t feature more fresh fish on my blog, since I live right by the ocean.
Well, maybe you’ll understand when I tell you that the featured snapper below has actually cost $ 24.00, head, tail and guts included! I bought it at my favorite neighborhood Asian market where all seafood is extremely fresh and at the same time much cheaper than anywhere else around here, but still…..
So, there you have it, I love fresh seafood, but with the prices nowadays, I can’t afford it as often as I wish 😦
Bon Appetit !   Life is Expensive !

Roasted Red Snapper

Roasted Red Snapper


Roasted Red Snapper

Roasted Red Snapper

Preparation :

gut and scale the snapper, season inside and out with lime juice, soy sauce, sriracha and kosher salt, bake at 430F until  cooked through but still moist, approximately between 40 and 60 minutes, depending on the size of the fish

gut and scale the snapper, cut off fin’s, season inside and out with garlic oil, lime juice, soy sauce, freshly  ground black pepper and kosher salt, bake at 430F until cooked through but still moist, approximately between 40 and 60 minutes, depending on the size of the fish


to serve, drizzle with lime juice and accompany with roasted tomato salsa

to serve, drizzle with lime juice and accompany with roasted tomato salsa


Roasted Red Snapper

Roasted Red Snapper


Roasted Red Snapper

Roasted Red Snapper


Roasted Red Snapper

Roasted Red Snapper


Roasted Red Snapper

Roasted Red Snapper


Roasted Red Snapper

Roasted Red Snapper


Roasted Red Snapper

Roasted Red Snapper


Too Much “Freshness” ???


Too Much "Freshness"   ???

Too Much “Freshness” ???

Watch the  VIDEO HERE

When is too much too much ?
Do you think this is eaten in this way because of the ultimate freshness ?
Or for the novelty effect ? ( Probably)

You’ll be the judge 😦 🙂


Asparagus & Brie Pizza

beer and good company.
Great evening with friends, good music and (mostly) intelligent conversation 🙂
Life is Good !


Asparagus & Brie Pizza



Ingredient’s :


A/P flour,   2 cups (plus more for kneading)
Water,   3/4 cup, warm
Active dry yeast,   1 envelope
Sugar,   1 teaspoon
Olive oil,   3 table spoon
Kosher salt,


Italian sausage,   spicy, sauteed
Asparagus,   green, blanched
Grape tomatoes,   whole
Mozzarella cheese,   shredded
Tomato puree,  fresh
Roasted garlic puree,
Brie cheese,   diced
Asiago cheese,   finely grated
Oregano,   fresh, chopped
Corn meal,

Method :

Pour  water into small bowl, mix in yeast. Let stand until yeast dissolves, about 5 minutes. Brush large bowl lightly with olive oil. Mix 2 cups flour, sugar, and salt. Add yeast mixture and 3 tablespoons oil, knead until dough forms a sticky ball. Transfer to lightly floured surface. Knead dough until smooth. Dust with flour as you work the dough. Transfer to prepared bowl; turn dough in bowl to coat with oil. Cover bowl with moist towel. Let dough rise until doubled in volume.Punch down dough. Pull dough until desired thickness and shape is achieved. If this is too difficult, roll the dough with a rolling pin. However, in my opinion, the pizza will turn out superior if the dough is pulled.
If you like your dough very thin and crispy, proceed with step 2.
If you like your crust a bit more thick and chewy, you might want to pre-bake your pizza dough for a few minutes.

Sprinkle pizza pan or baking sheet with cornmeal, place pizza on it. Brush pizza with olive oil, sprinkle lightly with corn meal. Add tomato puree and roasted garlic puree, sprinkle with mozzarella and oregano. Add all other ingredient’s according to picture. Sprinkle with asiago and freshly ground black pepper. Bake at 500 F until dough is done and edge of pizza is crispy and golden.

Note : This recipe is works well in a home oven without a pizza stone.