
Allgäuer Wurstsalat Mit Hörnchen

Hörnchen  means “Little Horns” in German. They are such a wonderful pastry when properly prepared. Unfortunately, to find good Hörnchen (Croissants, Media Luna’s) is increasingly difficult and in some areas downright impossible.
A good hörnchen is as light as a feather, with dozens of air-seperated layers of buttery pastry. Most of the stuff you can buy these days are mass-produced, previously frozen concoctions which have only a faint visual resemblance to a real hörnchen  and none of the flavor and texture qualities of the genuine article. Some are not even made with puff pastry 😦
However, there is a silver lining –  in my opinion, that stuff is perfectly suitable for a good sandwich or as an accompaniment to a rustic salad.
For today’s lunch I had these babies from a commercial bakery close-by, to share the honors of being my lunch with a “lecker” allgäuer wurstsalat.
Eaten together with the salad, dunked in the rich dressing, they served their purpose as “side bread” well.
Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !
Click here for more  Hörnchen

If you don’t have access to Fleischwurst  (German Bologna) and  Allgäuer Bergkäse, you can replace them with  Swiss Cheese and  American style Bologna

Allgauer Wurstsalat Mit Hörnchen

Allgauer Wurstsalat Mit Hörnchen


Allgauer Wurstsalat Mit Hörnchen

Allgauer Wurstsalat Mit Hörnchen

Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures


EASY DOES IT # 24 – Potato Salad

This  potato salad is a far cry from the one I usually make at home, which is “Schwäbischer Kartoffelsalat” (Swabian Potato Salad), which does not contain Mayo or any other “stuff” besides potatoes, onion, stock, salt, pepper, oil, vinegar and sometimes herbs and/or bacon.
This one is a VERY different baby, but just as delicious 🙂
Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !
Link to more Schwäbischer Kartoffelsalat

Creamy Potato Salad

Creamy Potato Salad


Potato Salad

Potato Salad

Preparation :


Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

After being sick as a dog for the past few day’s, today I can at least walk again without fear of falling on my behind because my legs could not hold me up. So, as any sane person would do, the first thing to do was to prep a meal that would make me feel better. Shrimp and mayo might not seem very smart as a first solid meal in three day’s, but I am happy to report that three hours later I am still ok 🙂
(In case you wonder how I posted the last post about the fish in black bean sauce:
I usually have one or two post’s on stand-by for situations like this and all it needs is the push of a button, the rest takes care of itself)
Anyway, I hope my recovery is going to last for a good time to come and things will be back to normal, at least healthwise.
So here we go, today’s early, delicious lunch:

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Preparation :

mise en place

mise en place

shrimp, green peas, golden grpe tomatoes, radish, scallion

shrimp, green peas, golden grape tomatoes, radish, scallion

mayonnaise, sriracha, ketchup, brandy, horseradish, dijon mustard, kosher salt, cayenne pepper, lime juice

mayonnaise, sriracha, ketchup, brandy, horseradish, dijon mustard, kosher salt, cayenne pepper, lime juice

slice italian garlic roll in half (toasting optional)

slice italian garlic roll in half (toasting optional)

top with romaine leaves in  lime vinaigrette

top with romaine leaves in lime vinaigrette

top with generaos amount of shrimp salad

top with generous amount of shrimp salad, garnish with fennel leaves

serve with lime wedges and arugula in french dressing

serve with lime wedges and arugula in french dressing

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

Old Fashioned Shrimp Roll

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please be so kind and click on the video below.  Thank you 🙂

If Hot Dog – Good Hot Dog !


If  you do it – do it right !
Even a simple hot dog can
give tremendous culinary pleasure.



Spicy italian sausage,
Garlic bun
Kosher pickles,
Butter sauteed onions
Chili flakes

Pickled slaw of red and white cabbage, cucumber & onion,
Scotch bonnet sauce,
Dijon mustard

=  Good Hot Dog  🙂

Bon Appetit ! Life is Good !

Spicy Squid & Vegetables



This  recipe work’s as well with other seafood, such as shrimp, mussels, lobster, cuttlefish, octopus, etc. Even chicken, beef, pork, or all vegetables for a vegetarian version, you name it. But here,  squid it is. The secret to a successful squid dish is to not overcook the squid.  Sauteing  a few seconds in a very hot pan, then removing them and adding back to the dish at the very end of the dishes cooking process, making sure they don’t simmer or boil anymore, will do the trick.
Enjoy  🙂


Ingredient’s :

Squid,  cleaned, cut into squares
Potatoes,  peeled, cut into thick slices, cooked
Corn on the cob,  sliced, cooked
Cauliflower,  rosettes, blanched
Tomatoes,  diced
Onions,  diced
Garlic,  paste
Cilantro,  coarsely chopped
Kosher salt,
Hoisin sauce,
Scotch bonnet hot sauce,
Soy sauce,
Peanut oil,  to saute,

Method :

Saute squid on high heat until opaque, 3-4 seconds, remove, reserve.
Saute garlic and onions until fragrant, add all other ingredients
and saute until heated through. Remove from heat, mix with squid.
To serve, sprinkle with fair amount of cilantro.

Bon Appetit !   Live is Good !