Pork Congee – (猪肉粥) – (Pork Porridge)

: . : : Click here for more  Pork  on  ChefsOpinion : Click here for more  Pig  on  ChefsOpinion : Click here for more  Congee  on  ChefsOpinion : : P.S. There is an extensive article about congee from around the world below the following pictures : : Bon Appétit !   Life is Good ! : […]

My Trip To Germany And Spain

. Dear Friends, Here is a short report of my trip to Germany and Spain, which lasted from September 13th to October 13th. When I planned the trip, I made a huge mistake by not booking a direct flight to Cologne. The original plan was to fly to Munich, rent a car there and travel […]

Convenient Food (Pansit/Pancit)

  > > Having visited the  Philippines  in the mid-to late 70’s often, and then lived and worked there for 4 years during the early 80’s, my eating habits have been strongly influenced by its wonderful food, especially the appreciation of fresh, well-seasoned vegetables and a myriad of exotic fruit. While there are too many favorite dishes to mention, […]

Pork Sinigang (Sinigang na Baboy)

Yesterday  I had a long-standing wish fulfilled 🙂 (Mind you, there are “BIG WISHES” in life and then there are “small wishes” This was a small wish, but nevertheless, I am happy that it finally came through) For years, I wished there’d be a good Filipino restaurant in my neighborhood, but there is only one […]

Comfort In A Bowl…….Lamb, Peppers, Onions And Rice

> > Lately, some chefs, food bloggers and food-writers would like us to believe that a  “Rice Bowl” is the latest, newly invented, “IN” thing. Nothing could be further from reality. A rice bowl is a very old, very traditional thing, born out of necessity, at least in many parts of the world. In all my travels around the […]

Bulalo (Kansi) Beef Marrow Bone Soup

> > The  first time I had the pleasure to eat this soup I fell in love with it. It was at “Pistang Filipino”, an open air arts and craft center in Manila. (Little did I know then (1974), that a few years later I would be living next door for nearly five years). However, during […]

Beef And Glass Noodles In Coconut Soup

> > Coconut  milk is a common ingredient in many tropical cuisines, such as Burmese, Cambodian, Filipino, Indian, Indonesian, Malaysian, Singaporean, Sri Lankan, Thai, Vietnamese, Peranakan and southern Chinese, as well as Brazilian, Caribbean, Polynesian, and Pacific islands cuisines. Even in non-tropical cuisines around the world, thanks to canning, dehydrating and freezing, coconut milk has become a […]

Crispy Pata

> > This  super tasty and crispy dish is one of my all-time favorite Pinoy dishes. Usually it is made with a whole pork leg, but I also like it just the way I was introduced to it many years ago while living in the Philippines, with the cheapest cut of the leg, the feet. […]

Kare Kare

“ “ So,  everybody and their mother have the one, the only, the very best  Kare Kare  recipe. Of course, having lived in the  Philippines  for almost five years, I have my very own “best” recipe. As for the protein, the most common is ox tail, but of course you can substitute it with any […]

Crispy Pata

“ “ Crispy  pata – pork at it’s finest. Here is my own version of this great dish from the Philippines. It is very easy to prepare and will alway’s hit the spot when the munchies call late at night 🙂 “ Bon Appetit !   Ang Sarap ! “ “ “ “ > > > […]