
Parmesan Crusted Sautéed Pork Medallions, With Potatoes, Bell Peppers And Crimini


Parmesan Crusted sautéed Pork Medallions, With Potatoes, Bell Peppers And Crimini

Pork tenderloin – so versatile, tasty and wonderfully textured. What’s not to love about this “other white meat” 🙂
However, make sure you cook it to a safe temperature without overcooking it. Frankly, I don’t understand the trend to cook pork medium or even medium rare.
Besides the obvious health risk, medium or rare-cooked pork has a horrible texture. But then, maybe that’s just old-fashioned me ?
Bon Appétit !   Life is Good !

(The National Pork Board recommends cooking pork chops, roasts, and tenderloin to an internal temperature between 145° F. (medium rare) and 160° F. (medium), followed by a 3 minute rest.
Since large cuts increase approximately 10° F. while resting, remove them from the heat at 150° F. followed by a 10 minute rest).

Click here for more  Pork  on  ChefsOpinion
Click here for  Tomato Sauce Recipe  on  ChefsOpinion

top the potatoes with the medallions


add 2 tblsp of tomato sauce to each medallion, top with the sautéed veggies


Parmesan Crusted sautéed Pork Medallions, With Potatoes, Bell Peppers And Crimini


Parmesan Crusted sautéed Pork Medallions, With Potatoes, Bell Peppers And Crimini


Parmesan Crusted Sautéed Pork Medallions, With Potatoes, Bell Peppers And Crimini


Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures


Stir Fried Crimini & Bok Choy In Special Sauce

The  seasoning for this dish is composed of some of my basic, always present larder items : Sriracha, hoi sin sauce, ketchup, roasted garlic puree, maggi seasoning, sesame oil, white wine or sherry wine. The ratio of each individual item can vary from dish to dish, from main ingredient to main ingredient, but all together it makes for a great, versatile, delicious and simple sauce. If the dish is dry by nature, you might want to add a bit of stock to thin the sauce a bit.
(Don’t scoff at the ketchup ! It adds acidity, sweetness and color) 🙂

Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !

Stir Fried Crimini & Bok Choy In Special Sauce

Stir Fried Crimini & Bok Choy In Special Sauce


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