cowboy steak

Cowboy Steak & Fried Onions

This  evening, only a great steak would do the trick.
Charred on the outside, rare on the inside.
No sides, the steak alone was big enough.
(At least until midnight, when my stomach will surely beckon for a snack) 🙂

Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !

Cowboy Steak & Fried Onions

Cowboy Steak & Fried Onions


slice onions into very fine julienne, fry in peanut oil until crispy, remove to absorbent paper, season with salt and cayenne pepper

slice onions into very fine julienne, fry in peanut oil until crispy, remove to absorbent paper, season with salt and cayenne pepper


season steak with salt and cayenne pepper, saute until done to your preference

season steak with salt and cayenne pepper, saute until done to your preference


let steak rest in warm place for ten minutes

let steak rest in warm place for ten minutes


top with freshly grated horseradish

top with freshly grated horseradish


top with fried onions and sliced scallions

top with fried onions and sliced scallions


Cowboy Steak & Fried Onions

Cowboy Steak & Fried Onions

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Simple Cooking – Perfect Meal


Sauteed cowboy steak medium rare. Spinach sauteed in duck fat with freshly grated horseradish, bacon, garlic and onion. Very thick cut slice of sourdough bread to soak up all the juices. Scotch bonnet & garlic compound butter to give it a bit of a kick.
Do I need to write more about this dish?
Hell no, just look at the pictures and start drooling 🙂

Recipe for Scotch Bonnet & Garlic Compound Butter

Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !





Cowboy Steak, Spinach & Chili Butter

Cowboy Steak, Spinach & Chili Butter

