Raw Organic Honey With Comb

Shrimp And Potato Salad In Honey/Yogurt Dressing


Raw Organic Honey With Comb

Raw Organic Honey With Comb

Once  in a while my friends honor me with gift’s of food 🙂
The gift of choice used to be booze, but nowadays I don’t drink alcohol, so the generosity now manifests itself with gifts of special, sometimes hard to come-by  food 🙂
Last week Dieter brought me two bags with original German-made weisswurst and bratwurst.
Yesterday, Rubelio and his wife Maria gave me fresh organic raw honey from their own bee hives, honey comb and all.
So, thinking like any normal person, the first dish to prepare with fresh honey that came to my mind was shrimp/potato salad 🙂
Maybe a bit unusual, I admit – but I like to make this great dressing with mayo, yogurt and honey, so there it was – my honey-segway.
Bon Appétit !   Life is Good !
Click here for more  Salads  on ChefsOpinion
Click here for more  Shrimp  on ChefsOpinion


Shrimp And Potato Salad In HoneyYogurt Dressing

Shrimp And Potato Salad In Honey/Yogurt Dressing


Shrimp And Potato Salad In HoneyYogurt Dressing

Shrimp And Potato Salad In Honey/Yogurt Dressing


Shrimp And Potato Salad In HoneyYogurt Dressing

Shrimp And Potato Salad In Honey/Yogurt Dressing

Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures
