fermented bean sauce

Stir Fried Chicken And Vegetables

Stir Fried Chicken And Vegetables

Does stir fried chicken ever get old? Not in my book, for sure 🙂
Its beauty lays in large part in its versatility.
Not only can it be served with or without sauce, but there is no limit to the number of variations with which you can prepare the sauce. If you choose to prep it with sauce, you can include hoisin sauce, soy sauce, fermented bean sauce, oyster sauce, chili sauce, yuzu-soy sauce, kecap manis, etc, etc. You can serve it over stir fried noodles, fried noodles, steamed rice, fried rice, steamed buns; with a myriad of different vegetables, mushrooms and even potatoes (in some part of China potatoes are rather common).
When I cook stir fried chicken at home (or most other stir fries, for that matter), it rarely has the same ingredients twice – if ever.
But, all stir fries (and any other dish) I prepare at my home have one thing in common – I put a lot of love in them, therefore they all are delicious 🙂
Bon Appétit !   Life is Good !
Click here for more  Stirfry  on  ChefsOpinion
Click here for more  Chicken  on  ChefsOpinion
Click here for  Chinese Steamed Rice (Fan)   on  ChefsOpinion
Click here for  Kecap Manis (Ketjup Manis)  on  ChefsOpinion

Stir Fried Chicken And Vegetables


Stir Fried Chicken And Vegetables

Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures


Chicken Liver Congee


Usually,  I have  congee  for breakfast, but today I just wanted a big bowl of this culinary marvel for lunch.
It is one of the most satisfying dishes out there, as long as it is properly seasoned and has the ingredients you long for at the moment. As far as congee goes – anything goes 🙂
Even the texture has no right or wrong. As long as you like it – that’s the right texture. I like mine fairly thick, tasty, spicy and with lot’s of  “stuff” in it. I happened to have fresh chicken livers today, but you can use any protein you like, shrimps, scallops, chicken or whatever is handy. Maybe just vegetables? With egg or without? Many condiments or none?

Today I cooked my rice in a rich chicken stock, flavored with lots of grated ginger, garlic paste, kosher salt and ground chili pepper and a splash of fermented bean sauce. Once the porridge had the desired texture, I added medium-fried chicken livers,  Chinese black mushrooms,  cooked ham, corn, black beans, sesame oil, finely sliced chilies and scallions.

Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !

Click here for more  Congee  recipes

Chicken Liver Congee

Chicken Liver Congee

Chicken Liver Congee

Chicken Liver Congee



season with granulated garlic, kosher salt, cayenne pepper, five spice powder, add cornstarch, mix well

season with granulated garlic, kosher salt, cayenne pepper, five spice powder, add cornstarch, mix well

fry in peanut oil until medium, remove to absorbent paper

fry livers in peanut oil until medium, remove to absorbent paper

almost :-) ......

almost  ………

to porridge add livers, beans, corn, mushroom, chilies, scallions and sesame seed oil, check/adjust seasoning

to the porridge add livers, beans, corn, mushroom, chilies, scallions and sesame seed oil, check/adjust seasoning

Chicken Liver Congee

Chicken Liver Congee

Chicken Liver Congee

Chicken Liver Congee

Chicken Liver Congee

Chicken Liver Congee

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” Braised Pork Ribs With Fermented Black Bean Sauce “

Today I wanted to use my newly purchased glass cooking vessel, “guaranteed stove top save”
Well, it might have been be save from talking or painting or other such mundane undertakings, but it certainly was not save from exploding into a thousand pieces.
So much for ” guaranteed warranties ” . ( Kind of like the promises of our politician’s ).
Any way, after I cleaned up the mess and calmed Bella down, I proceeded to cook dinner the old fashion way, on the stove top in a rigged metal steamer.

Braised pork ribs with fermented black bean sauce & rice.



Pork ribs,
Soy sauce,
Fermented black bean sauce
Scotch bonnet hot sauce
Sesame oil
Water or unsalted stock

Method :

a steamer (or makeshift steamer)put all ingredients except
half the cilantro you are using in the bottom of the steamer.
Add a wire rack, place ribs on top and cover air tight.
Steam for one hour or until ribs are tender.
Remove ribs and set aside. Strain sauce and brush both sides of ribs.
Put ribs back on rack on a clean baking tray and bake in oven until
nicely glazed, repeatedly adding more sauce as needed.
To serve, nape with remaining sauce and sprinkle with
cilantro and some more chilis.

Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !