
Morcilla And Garbanzos

Friday  night I had my good friend Curtis over for dinner. I made a dish which one usually would not think of serving to friends for dinner, unless they are Latino, Swabian, Austrian (or in any other way weird) 🙂
But honestly, serving Morcilla (Blutwurst, Blood pudding, Blood Sausage, Boudin Noir) to guests requires that you either know their taste in food very well or that you are silly  and take a great risk and probably end up ordering take-out pizza:-)
However, Curtis was happy with the dish and so were Bella and I. I actually  thought it was wonderful and very special.
Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !
For the 1907 Movie “La Course A La Saucisse”, click here 

Morcilla And Garbanzos

Morcilla And Garbanzos


Morcilla Image property of : La Course à la Saucisse

Image property of :
La Course à la Saucisse

Preparation :

saute dice onions in garlic oil, add morcilla, saute until sausages disolve, add garlic paste and heavy cream, simmer for one minute, add garbanzos, grape tomatoes, chilies and scallions, simmer until heted through, remove from heat, check / adjust seasoning (if necessary add some kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

saute dice onions in garlic oil, add morcilla, saute until sausages dissolve, add garlic paste and heavy cream, simmer for one minute, add garbanzos, grape tomatoes, chilies and scallions, simmer until heated through, remove from heat, check / adjust seasoning (if necessary add some kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper


saute blanched small potatoes in olive oil, season with kosher salt and cayenne pepper

saute blanched small potatoes in olive oil, season with kosher salt and cayenne pepper


add two generous slices of avocado to hot serving plate

add two generous slices of avocado to hot serving plate


top with morcilla

top with morcilla ragout


top with sauteed potatoes, top potatoes with crispy onions and scallions

top with sauteed potatoes, top potatoes with caramelized onions and sliced scallions


Jägerschnitzel Mit Nudeln Und Romaine (Hunter’s Schnitzel With Noodles And Romaine)

Today  was the first time in four year’s that something actually went my way, unconditionally and perfect. A feeling of relief not experienced for such a long time.
To celebrate, I prepped for myself this comforting, traditional Swabian dish of Jägerschnitzel, something I grew up with and although simple and down to earth, still gives me great pleasure and culinary satisfaction 🙂

Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !

Jägerschnitzel Mit Nudeln Und Romaine  (Hunter's Schnitzel With oodles And Romaine)

Jägerschnitzel Mit Nudeln Und Romaine (Hunter’s Schnitzel With Noodles And Romaine)

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