The Slammer

It  is great to have the liberty to name the dishes one creates, even using somewhat goofy but fitting names, such as “The Slammer” 🙂
This is one of the dishes which owe their creation to the fact that sometimes I think I have nothing in the fridge to prep a great meal and going to the shop is not an option. Out of this familiar dilemma, sometimes a wonderful dish finds the light of day, as happened with this mouthwatering, sexy sandwich.
Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !
Link to Hans’ Homemade Buffalo Sauce

The Slammer

The Slammer


The Slammer

The Slammer

Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures



    1. Hans, maybe you could explain to your followers how those ads work that one can click on. You make such an effort to bring us exceptional recipes, I, we would like to make sure that you get what’s due you. I usually click on them, is that’s how it’s supposed to be?

      Liked by 1 person

  1. That is very considerate and generous of you, Gourmand. For every 1000 clicks on an ad I get a tiny fraction of a $.
    (For the more generous inclined, there is also the “Tip Jar”)
    Anyway, I appreciate your support, every”click” helps. Cheers and thank you 🙂


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