Pickled Tomatoes (トマトの酢漬け )


Pickled Tomatoes (トマトの酢漬け )

How can you improve a perfect tomato? By pickling it !
Any salad, sandwich or any other dish that contains tomatoes will get an additional level of debt of flavor and texture, so, in my humble opinion, the extra few minutes of preparation will be well worth the time and effort. The recipe for the pickling liquid on this page is only a guideline, you can experiment with the length of marination, as well as the flavor of the marination, for example, omit the dashi, add garlic, increase or decrease the vinegar and sugar, etc, etc.
Bon Appétit !   Life is Good !

Pickled Tomatoes (トマトの酢漬け )


Pickled Tomatoes (トマトの酢漬け )



Pickled Tomatoes (トマトの酢漬け )


Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures


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Annelis boat ( Curtesy of WORDSFROMANNELI )




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