Escargots A La Bourguignonne (Snails In Garlic-Herb Butter In The Style Of The Bourguignon)

Escargots A La Bourguignonne (Snails In Garlic-Herb Butter In The Style Of The Bourguignon)

Remembering  the “Good Old Times”, when I went to Germany I was looking forward to enjoy escargot as often as possible, since in the not so distant past, escargot was one of the dishes which one could find on the dinner menu of most restaurants, usually prepared “A La Bourguignonne” and served in their own shells, but also frequently as soup or in puff pastry.
I was disappointed to find that escargots have mostly gone the way of so many other delicacies ( Tortue “Lady Curzon,  Foie Gras, Duck a la PresseTurtle Steaks, Turtle Stews, Abalone Meunière,  Sole Véronique,  Crab Louie,  Trout Almondine,  Canard à l’Orange, just to mention a few…….
I did manage to find snails on two occasions on the menu, but sadly, both were but a shameful rendition of the once glorious dish (One was escargots a la Bourguignonne, which were burned on top and completely tasteless, the other was escargots in puff pastry, which was served in a soggy puff pastry shell, bound with a tasteless white sauce, deprived of even the slightest bit of the de rigueur Pernod, which is supposed to grace the sauce of escargots in cream.
So, as usual, in order to satisfy my craving, I had to prepare it myself at home. In the past, I have tried to find escargots in the grocery stores around here and sometimes scored, but in the past few years I was not able to find them anywhere anymore 😦 . Thank you Lord for the internet 🙂 . I ordered one dozen cans, which arrived a few days later and made me a happy man indeed.
Here now is the first version of Escargot I prepared…….
Bon Appétit !   Life is Good !

Escargots A La Bourguignonne (Snails In Garlic-Herb Butter In The Style Of The Bourguignon)


Escargots A La Bourguignonne (Snails In Garlic-Herb Butter In The Style Of The Bourguignon)


Escargots A La Bourguignonne (Snails In Garlic-Herb Butter In The Style Of The Bourguignon)

Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures



  1. Thank you Chef…
    I love snails and always order 2 portions when cruising….mmmmm….good!
    Recipe that even I will attempt…

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I was delighted and thrilled to see escargot on the menu every night on Celebrity Summit…
    Not aware I would see them again on sailing away from San Juan night one….
    I comfortably placed my order for 2!!!
    You probably saw some of our dinner dishes from my recent FB postings…
    Eat well…Live well.

    Liked by 1 person

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