” Freeze Dried Herb’s To The Rescue “

I was so fed-up !
I only go to the supermarket once or twice a week, so I buy a bunch of food and then decide later during the week what I will cook with it.
This works out fine with almost everything, except with herbs.  I used to buy at least five or six different kind of fresh herbs once a week, but no matter what,
there was alway’s stuff to throw away after a few day’s in the fridge. I hate to throw food in the garbage, so now I am happy to have found a solution :
Freeze dried Herbs  🙂
Since I alway’s tried to use fresh herb’s in my food, I don’t really have much experience with the dried stuff. However, I came across some awesome items which I use now all the time.
In salads, soups, stews, sautees, you name it, I now usually use a good amount off freeze dried herbs, usually the LITEHOUSE brand, which I find superior to all others I have tried so far.
They taste, look and smell just like the real deal.
As for salad dressings,they sure have come a long way from their awful beginnings. (Sure you can still get any number of crappy dressings at a supermarket near you),
but here is what I have used and liked lately :

Image Source: UGA


LITEHOUSE   Freeze Dried Herbs


LITEHOUSE  Dressings

Bleu Cheese
Fuji Apple Vin
Sesame Ginger
Jalapeno Ranch
Pear Gorgonzola
Raspberry Walnut
Pomegranate  Blueberry

So please don’t think I like dried herbs and ready made dressings better than freshly made. If I have a practical choice, I still prefer the fresh herb’s and homemade dressings over dried and bottled products; But sometimes it is just more clever and sensible to use what you can better control and therefore avoid waste.

Please note that I have no affiliation whatsoever with the LITHOUSE brand, I am just a big fan of their products  🙂

Life is Good !




  1. Thanks for the tip. I love using fresh herbs, too but like you find they spoil often before used. I’ll have to check in our local Publix for this item.


  2. Savory Spice Shop is also a great place to get freeze dried herbs. If you don’t have one near you, they ship and have awesome varieties of stuff (I don’t have an endorsement either but I love this place!).


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