
Powidl Mit Pfirsich (Plum Chutney With Peaches)


Here is another delicious plum recipe I want to share with y’all 🙂
Powidl has its origin in Poland (powidła or powidło) and the Czech republic (povidla), from where it went on to Austria and Germany and other European countries.
Powidl was traditionally made without additional sweeteners or gelling agents and was mostly eaten as a spread on bread and cakes. It is comparable in appearance and texture to Indian spicy plum chutney, although as the name implies, the Indian version is chock-full of spices and seasoning and more suitable as accompaniment to meat dishes.
After the war, there was very little money to go around in a typical German household, especially in the countryside and even when there was, the selection of commercially prepared foods  was very limited. However, although my parents were no farmers, we owned a small amount of land with fruit trees on them, mainly apples and plums. As I described in previous posts, most of the fruits and vegetables from our land and garden were preserved to last well into the winter. With the help of our neighbors, my mom prepared our own pickles, sauerkraut, marmalade, apple sauce, etc, while most of the apples went to the communal  “Mosterei” to make our own cider.
However, when Powidl was made, the best way to enjoy it was to eat it fresh, while still warm and fragrant. A slice of home-made bread (baked in the communal oven by my best friends mom, Frau Vetter), slathered with fresh butter and heavenly Powidl – provided my very first culinary happy moments at age 6 :-). In order to put this into perspective – buttered bread with sugar sprinkled on top was a special treat, so the sweet, beautifully vibrant Powidl added a whole new dimension to a simple slice of bread. Like I said before, for a few years after the war,  Germany was not a place of culinary indulgence for most folks.
Well, back to the delicacy at hand; The plums I used were a bit on the tart side, so I added a small amount of sugar and honey to round out the taste. The peaches ended up in this Powidl because they had a few blemishes and therefore did not appeal to me in their raw state.
So, in the end, not a particular original Powidl – but nevertheless, a super delicious Powidl indeed 🙂
Bon Appétit !   Life is Good !
Click here for   Indian Spiced Plum Chutney  (Alloo Bukharay Ki Chutney)

Powidl Mit Pfirsich  (Plum Chutney With Peaches)

Powidl Mit Pfirsich (Plum Chutney With Peaches)


Vanilla Ice cream With Powidl , Whipped Cream And Sweet Plum Sauce

Vanilla Ice cream With Powidl , Whipped Cream And Sweet Plum Sauce

Preparation :
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