
EASY DOES IT # 18 – Fried Eggs Sunny Side Up & Fries (NOT)

Just  a little nonsense to entertain your kid’s on a rainy day :
Fried eggs sunny side up & fries – yogurt, peaches and cantaloupe melon. Have fun 🙂
Bon Appetit !   Life is Good ! (Sunny side up – even when it rains……..

Fried eggs sunny side up & fries - yogurt, peaches and cantaloupe melon. Have fun :-)

Fried eggs sunny side up & fries – yogurt, peaches and cantaloupe melon. Have fun 🙂


EASY DOES IT # 18 - Fried Eggs Sunny Side Up & Fries (NOT)

EASY DOES IT # 18 – Fried Eggs Sunny Side Up & Fries (NOT)


EASY DOES IT # 18 - Fried Eggs Sunny Side Up & Fries (NOT)

EASY DOES IT # 18 – Fried Eggs Sunny Side Up & Fries (NOT)


Entrecôte Au Poivre (Classic French Pepper Steak)

When  was the last time you have seen a classic  steak au poivre  on a restaurant menu outside of Europe?
The best you can usually find elsewhere is it’s poor cousin, a steak covered in  green peppercorn sauce (Entrecote Au Poivre Vert).
While this can be excellent, it’s flavor and texture is far removed from a steak covered in freshly crushed black pepper and sauteed, then served in a sauce build from it’s very own pan drippings and some other goodies.
Last night I served this with my “special” fries. What makes them “special” is the fact that I fry them only once instead of the usual required two times. I start them in cold peanut oil ( or better yet, duck or goose fat if available) and let the temperature slowly rise to 385 F. By the time the oil is hot and the fries are golden brown, they will be creamy on the inside and very crisp on the outside. I season them with both fine salt and sea salt. The fine salt adheres better to the fries while the sea salt gives me the taste and crunchiness associated with sea salt.

Bon Appetit !   Life Is Good !

Entrecôte  Au Poivre

Entrecôte Au Poivre



Hans’ “Special” Fries


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