spicy ketchup

Easy Does It # 25 – Griddle Ham & Cheese Sandwich

Let’s  face it and admit to the truth – no matter how passionate we are about good food, not all meals we consume must be and can be culinary masterpieces or be completely homemade in order to make us happy.
In cooking, as with love, sometimes a loving hug will do it instead of a few hours of passionate love-making (Well, sometimes…….. 🙂
I have posted some pretty simple stuff in the past and judging by the positive responses, posts about simple food are as welcome as the more complex meals.
So, I feel confident that mixing a few very simple, basic dishes into my usual mix of international food posts will be a welcome addition to the folks who are still learning their way around the kitchen, as well as for the more seasoned cooks who will be reminded that sometimes, depending on our mood, the time and/or budget, simple means best 🙂
I believe today’s dish is a perfect example of how to lift a usually mediocre dish up to new hights by choosing top-ingredients and preparing the food with love and care.
Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !
If you replace the mayo with the more customary butter and grill the sandwich instead, you will miss out on the best part of this sandwich – the wonderful crust which the mayo helps to provide.
More  “Easy Does It”

Griddled Ham & Cheese Sandwich

Griddle Ham & Cheese Sandwich


Griddled Ham & Cheese Sandwich

Griddle Ham & Cheese Sandwich


Griddled Ham & Cheese Sandwich

Griddle Ham & Cheese Sandwich

Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures
