
Sauteed Veal Breast

I hate  to use the moniker “deconstructed” when it comes to food.
Specifically,  in order to de-construct something, wouldn’t you have to construct it first?
(Another term I hate is to  “de-nature”  food. I just hate these stilted monikers 😦
However, If I would use the term deconstructed, last nights dinner would qualify for the term.
For years I have been longing for “Gefüllte Kalbsbrust”, or stuffed veal breast. This is a common dish in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. You take the whole veal,breast, cut a pocket from end to end, then stuff  it with bread stuffing similar to what you use for bread knödel or servietten knödel ( bread or napkin dumplings). Some folks use ground meat stuffing – but please – dont.  😦
I was craving this dish for years but the problem was multy faceted: Not the right veal available around here and the price for the proper veal prohibitive. What”s more, what will I do with a whole veal breast? I do eat a lot, but…….
So, When I went to my butcher on Friday, much to my surprise he had thick-sliced Canadian milk veal available, for the astounding price of $ 2.49 a pound. Obviously I was not able to make a “Gefüllte Kalbsbrust” with sliced veal breast, but I could prepare the second best thing – combine all the traditional ingredients into one dish 🙂
So there I went:
Veal breast, sour dough bread (the stuffing part), mushroom sauce and a red beet salad. What a wonderful meal, almost like the real thing.

Bon Appetit !   Life is Good !


The Real Deal:   Gefüllte Kalbsbrust Source -

Gefüllte Kalbsbrust
Source –

Sauteed Veal Breast

Sauteed Veal Breast

Preparation :

sliced veal breast

sliced veal breast

season veal with salt pepper and granulated garlic, sear very hot, then saute at low temperature very slowly until medium well

season veal with salt pepper and granulated garlic, sear very hot, then saute at low temperature very slowly until medium well

meanwhile, saute finely diced onions in butter, add sliced shiitake mushrooms, add redwine and simmer until almost dry

meanwhile, saute finely diced onions in butter, add sliced shiitake mushrooms, add redwine and simmer until almost dry

add heavy cream and demi glace, simmer until nape texture, check/adjust seasoning with salt and pepper

add heavy cream and demi glace, simmer until nape texture, check/adjust seasoning with salt and pepper



in another pan, saute sour dough bread in garlic butter until golden

in another pan, saute sour-dough bread in garlic butter until golden

meanwhile, make a salad of red beets, raspberry vinagrette, diced onions and sliced scallions

meanwhile, make a salad of red beets, raspberry vinaigrette, diced onions and sliced scallions


ready to plate the veal and sauce

ready to plate the veal and sauce

to plate, arrange veal on top of bread, spoon sauce over top, crown wiyh garlic/herb butter

to plate, arrange veal on top of bread, spoon sauce over top, crown wiyh garlic/herb butter

Sauteed Veal Breast

Sauteed Veal Breast

Sauteed Veal Breast

Sauteed Veal Breast

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