Sautéed Bone-In Ham Steak With Onion And Tomato


Sauteed Bone-In Ham Steak With Onion And Tomato

Ham steaks are a great ingredient which allows a great variety of recipes.
I personally like most, grilled, sautéed or braised, ideally served with mashed potatoes or hash browns, but I stop when ham steaks are slathered with sugar/ or maple syrup, pineapples or other very sweet glazes/condiments. ( Most folks here in America and Canada love the stuff, but for my taste, IF there has to be fruit, it should be apples or other slightly sweet/tart fruit) 🙂
I also find ham steaks agree with red wine sauce, onion marmalade, Thai sweet chili sauce, creamed horseradish or sauce Bernaise.
Today’s featured steak was big enough for Bella and me to forego any side dish besides the tomato/onion topping; in fact, it was a perfect size portion for the two of us 🙂
Bon Appétit !   Life is Good !

Sautéed Bone-In Ham Steak With Onion And Tomato


Sautéed Bone-In Ham Steak With Onion And Tomato


Sautéed Bone-In Ham Steak With Onion And Tomato


Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures

This dish is part of my upcoming meal plan # 2 –
Click here for 



    1. Hi Anneli,
      The theme is “Suits”, Premium.
      However, this theme is no longer available 😦
      Sorry, but there is a bunch of other good ones available, just test a few pages “live”, before you transfer to make sure your older content fits into the new format 🙂
      Good luck. I am looking forward to your new design.
      Cheers !

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, that’s too bad. Mine (Able), also, is no longer available and I accidentally lost it as I tried to customize it. I don’t mind the new one, but the comment button is at the top – not logical.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi Anneli,
      I actually like your new theme.
      As usual, not everything is perfect.
      However, you should be able to move that line to where you prefer it. If you cannot do it, contact wordpress, they are very helpful and quick 🙂
      Good luck !

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, Hans. I have found WordPress support very good in the past. So far, I’m limping through on my own. I don’t think putting the comments at the end is an option in this theme, but it’s the only complaint I have about it so I think I can work around it. BTW, thought you were going to give up blogging? You’re not addicted, are you? 😉

        Liked by 1 person

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