” Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream & Raspberry Puree “


Yesterday afternoon felt like ice cream,

did not want to drive to the store,

– made my own 🙂

Life is good !


  1. Nothing like it;
    Good rich creme Anglaise made with cream and Madagascar vanilla bean and an ice cream machine!
    Brings life back to old classics like peche melba and poire belle Helene.


    1. Who says that my vanilla ice cream is for kids.
      It is far too expensive and would be wasted on them. Peche melba and so forth was also never designed for kids.


    1. Ohhh….anything with ice cream gets my attention. But…I’m with Patrick on this…isn’t there an element of booze in these desserts? At my house there was/is because they were/are made with the brandied peaches and wine-poached pears we canned up over the summer. Maybe not part of the original recipes, but delicious none the less and us kids could only have small amounts.


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