respect and admiration.

Black Mushrooms, Seafood Mushrooms, & Bok Choy In Oyster Sauce


Black Mushrooms, Seafood Mushrooms And Bok Choy In Oyster Sauce

When I was a child, (many decades ago  🙂 , I, like most kids, hated nearly all vegetables with a passion. Later, grown up and being a professional cook, I realized early on that this was no fault of the poor veggies, but entirely the fault of our mothers, who usually cooked the crap out of vegetables, did not season them properly and mostly looked at them as a sideshow who did not deserve the respect the protein served in a meal deserved.
I was lucky to visit, live and work in Asia, South East Asia, India and the Orient early in my professional life, at which point my negative attitude towards vegetables was changed to an attitude of love, respect and admiration.
Meanwhile, in Europe, with the advent of novelle cuisine in the 70’s, the approach to vegetables had changed and we are now lucky to see, eat and enjoy vegetables in a completely new light. Compared to before,  this changed to include vegetables in prettier, lighter, tastier and healthier food preparations, either on their own or as part of a meal.
Since then, while the average home cook (mostly) still does not understand the beauty of fresh vegetables and herbs, at least many professional chefs have seen the light and pay the simple veggie the respect, attention and love they deserve.
Nowadays, everybody and their sister touts the health benefits of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. Unfortunately, most home cooks and professional cooks do not pay enough respect to cook them properly, so that they are not only healthy, but also delicious and beautiful to look at.
Today’s featured dish is a typical example how ordinary vegetables and fungi can easily and without much culinary finesse be transformed into a wonderful, beautiful and delicious dish fit for a king/queen.  🙂

Chinese black mushrooms  (shiitake), Chinese seafood mushrooms  (enokitake), Bok Choy  (bak choy, bakchoi), etc, etc…….. 🙂 

The only rice I had in my cupboard was Arborio. If you look closely at the cooked rice, you will see the difference of the short grain used here and the long grain typically used in Chinese restaurants.

Bon Appétit !   Life is Good !
Click here for  Chinese Steamed Rice Recipe  (Fan)  on  ChefsOpinion
Click here to find out about Which Type Of Rice Is Used In Chinese Cooking   

(Hint – short-, medium-, and long-grain is used)
Click here for  Rice Varieties From Around The World

Black Mushrooms, Seafood Mushrooms And Bok Choy In Oyster Sauce


Black Mushrooms, Seafood Mushrooms And Bok Choy In Oyster Sauce


Black Mushrooms, Seafood Mushrooms And Bok Choy In Oyster Sauce


Black Mushrooms, Seafood Mushrooms And Bok Choy In Oyster Sauce


Black Mushrooms, Seafood Mushrooms And Bok Choy In Oyster Sauce


Preparation :
To read instructions, hover over pictures
To enlarge pictures and read instructions, click on pictures

