Turkey For Singles


Jimiiiiiiiiii 🙂 

Because I live alone with Bella,  I have  we have  the luxury of only eating what  I love  we love  to eat the most.
(Bella tend’s to agree with my choices, so when it comes to Thanksgiving turkey, only  my   our  favorite part, the wing, will be present in our feast.
As for the side dish, knowing that there will be leftovers today and looking forward to the proper utilization of them tomorrow, orzo with beans, tomato and peas made  a delicious side dish today and it will make a great garnish for a substantial yet light chicken soup tomorrow 🙂
Bon Appétit !   Life is Good !
I did not strain the turkey jus, because the only solids in it were the very tasty tomatoes and onions that were braising with the meat, it would be a shame to throw them away 🙂
Click here for more  Turkey  on  ChefsOpinion


Turkey For Singles


Turkey For Singles


Turkey For Singles


Turkey For Singles

Turkey For Singles


Orzo Pasta With Cannellini Beans, Green Peas and Tomato Concassé



Preparation :
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